About TheNorthForty

“Home should be a happy place because all work to keep it that way. It is said that happiness is homemade, and we should endeavor to make our homes happy and pleasant places for us and our children. A happy home is one centered around the teachings of the gospel, and this takes constant, careful effort by all concerned.”
~ LeGrand R. Curtis

When I was a little girl growing up in a tiny Maine town, I lived in what, to me, will always be the most beautiful house.  My mother enjoyed gardening, my father enjoyed construction, and together they created a masterpiece that any child would be proud to inhabit.  The front yard was immaculate, the back yard was a child’s paradise, and the left side of the house was a small yard in which stood an ever fragrant lilac bush, flower gardens, and a side door with a stoop built by my father.  The right side of the house was endearingly referred to as “The North Forty,”  though it was more like forty yards than acres.  It was an out of the way area on the other side of the garage and pool fence so it was rarely used for any purpose.  It remained, essentially, dormant.

Until, one day, my parents recognized it’s talents.  There was no shade or trees on that portion of the yard so they saw the perfect place to put in a vegetable garden.  I remember years of digging in the dirt, pulling weeds, rummaging for potatoes, and plucking off sweet peppers and tomatoes to eat like apples off a tree.  This once useless piece of land transformed into fond youthful memories.  As the years went on, my mother continued to garden on the North Forty, adding flowers and trees.  Eventually, this empty turf was inhabited by so much fruitful beauty.  By realizing its potential, my parents transformed this dormant piece of property into a flowing garden which brought joy and sustenance to those around it.

This is the purpose of my blog; to recognize the possibly dormant areas of your yard, house, mind, heart, and life and tap into them to bring out the fullness of every area of your existence.  God has given each one of us unique talents so we may fully serve Him in all areas of our lives.  It is with great effort that we recognize all of our talents and use them to their fullest, but it is with great joy that we achieve beauty and contentment in our lives and the lives of all around us.  We create our own happiness, and happiness starts in the home.

Welcome to my virtual North Forty.

This site is for you!  Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or suggestions of topics you would like to read about.

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