Wednesday, May 9, 2012

You Know Those Breaks?

You know the ones. They require no planning. In fact, they are usually when you least expect them.

You find yourself standing in your living room with nothing to do. The children are entertaining themselves. Most of the cleaning is caught up. Diapers are changed, pets are resting, dinner is taken care of, the phone is silenced and the internet is turned off.

You do not know what to do with yourself. You stand completely still for fear someone may notice you and ask you a question or give you a task.

In these moments of bliss and silence the world around you changes. Suddenly you look at that painting that has hung on the wall for years and actually have a moment to admire its beauty. You have a moment to remember why you hung it there in the first place. You can actually appreciate it as opposed to zoom past it to stop a child from eating a Lego.

You gently pet your cat’s soft fur without fear of a child scaring it back into hiding, enjoying their soft purr and graceful movements without stress.

You step outside of your caregiver role and watch your children playing, able to see them as more than just diaper-dirtiers and food-inhalers. You can see them the way the world does - adorable, functioning and content - holding with great pride the obviously successful parenting you have given them.

You have a moment to appreciate every little piece of the home you work so hard to maintain. A beauty you create day in and day out but never have time to stop and enjoy.

These moments are few. They are not brought about by planning or perfection. Your life has not suddenly become effortless. You have not amazingly mastered every task. But for a few brief moments, you have been given an unexpected gift for all of your efforts. You can almost feel God standing beside you, resting a Fatherly hand on your shoulder and saying “This one’s for you kid. Good job.”

With a smile and a simple “thank you,” you reflect on all the chaotic moments, the noisy tantrums and the times you teetered on the brink of insanity that make this moment so sweet.

Everything you do are for these moments.

Every second of exhausting homemaking is possible because of these breaks.

You know the ones…

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